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Federal Government Documents, Benefits, and Information

Quick Post Separation Checklist

1.) COBRA Your Insurance: Fill our Temporary Continuation of Coverage Form and file with HR to COBRA (You have 60 days after employment ends and COBRA coverage will be retroactive to your end date)
2.) Purchase Coverage Through Marketplace: If you don't want to COBRA purchase coverage through the marketplace (link here) or spousal insurance 
3.) File An Appeal: MSPB within 30 days of termination or OCS within 3 years of termination, or speak with lawyers for class action appeal lawsuits
4.) File for Unemployment: See your states labor websites to locate unemployment procedures for federal employees
Check Eligibility for SNAP, WIC, Medicaid etc 

4.) Final Suggestions: Make all dentist and vision appointments, spend Federal Savings Account
Checking Text on a Document
Federal Documents
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